Methamphetamine Meth Overdose: OD Symptoms, Managing a Crisis & Treatment

If Narcan (naloxone) is available, it can be life-saving in cases where opioids are also involved. Methamphetamine addiction is one of the hardest to overcome. Access to addiction treatment services and strong support networks can be the most important options to keep someone alive and drug-free. A meth overdose overstimulates…

Alcohol Overdose: Causes, Risk Factors, and Symptoms

Treatment with ethanol, fomepizole, and/or dialysis may need to be started before a definitive diagnosis alcohol overdose has been made. A clear understanding of the toxic alcohol pathophysiology, patient presentation, the usefulness and limitations of the laboratory workup, and treatment options will expedite the diagnosis and improve patient outcomes. Hemodialysis…

Alcohol Toxicity: Practice Essentials, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology

Cannabis intoxication sometimes presents to the emergency setting after consumption (either inhalational or oral) of high amounts of cannabis. It usually presents in those who have never tried cannabis before and experience severe psychiatric or medical manifestation of cannabis consumption. Sometimes, regular cannabis users may also experience symptoms and signs…

Alcohol: Effects on Neurobehavioral Functions and the Brain PMC

About half of the nearly 20 million alcoholics in the United States seem to be free of cognitive impairments. In the remaining half, however, neuropsychological difficulties can range from mild to severe. For example, up to 2 million alcoholics develop permanent and debilitating conditions that require lifetime custodial care (Rourke…