Income Tax: Major Deductions-Credits-Expenses
- T4 slips for all employment income
- T4A slips for commission income
- Other Employment income (e.g. research grants, foreign employment, certain GST/HST rebates, royalties, etc.)
- Employment Expenses– provide a signed Form T2200 from your employer, and details or a summary of all your employment related expenses – see Form T777 for allowable expenses or contact us for more information
All tax slips for interest, dividends, capital gains dividends and income from foreign sources
- income from Limited Partnerships
- details of all capital dispositions(shares, bonds, properties, etc.) during the year
- details of deductible carrying charges(e.g. interest, safety deposit box fees, investment counsel, etc.)
- income and related expenses from RENTAL properties
- income and related expenses from your unincorporated BUSINESS, PROFESSION or COMMISSION operations
- income and related expenses from your unincorporated FARMING or FISHING operations
- all tax slips for Pension (CPP and Private) income and Old Age Security (OAS)
- income slips for Disability Benefits and Employment Insurance (EI) benefits
- details of alimony or support payments received
- WSIB and other workers’ compensation benefits
- social assistance payments
- details of the sale of your principal residence during the year (beginning with the 2020 tax year)
- details of tax instalments paid
- details of DOB, SIN and marital status for each taxpayer return
- details concerning Deceased taxpayers during the year – provide DOD, copy of Will, copy of death certificate
- information concerning Canada Child Benefit (CCB)
- information concerning GST/HST Tax Credit
- Climate Action Incentive – new tax credit for 2018
- If you have specific questions not covered by this CHECKLIST, please contact us
- receipts for RRSP contributions [ see also FAQs concerning RRSPs]
- receipts for union or professional dues
- details of child care expenses (e.g. nannies, babysitters, child care providers)
- details of attendant care expenses
- details of business investment loss (ABIL)
- Moving expenses – provide details and completed Form T1-M
- Support payments made/paid
- slips for exploration and development expenses
- Employment Expenses – provide a signed Form T2200 from your employer, and details or a summary of all your employment related expenses – see Form T777 for allowable expenses or contact us for more information
- Clergy Residence deduction – provide completed Form T1223 – see also detailed review of this topic on this site
- details of losses of other years (limited partnership losses, non-capital losses, net capital losses)
- Northern residents deduction – provide completed Form T2222
- details of spouse, and all dependants – include complete name, DOB and Social Insurance Number
- Children’s Fitness Amount and Children’s Arts Amount [Eliminated after 2016]
- Adoption Expenses
- Disability Amount – provide completed Form T2201 Disability Tax Credit Certificate
- slips and details for Tuition Fees, including those transferred from others (e.g. children, grandchildren, spouse) [As of January 1, 2017, the federal education and textbook amounts have been eliminated. The eligibility criteria for the tuition amount has been enhanced under certain conditions to include fees paid for occupational skills courses that are not at the post-secondary level.]
- Interest paid on student loans
- Public Transit Amount [January 1st to June 30th, 2017 only; eliminated after June 30, 2017]
- receipts for all medical and related expenses, including nursing home costs
- receipts for Charitable Donations and Gifts
- Labour-sponsored Funds tax credit receipts
- details for amounts paid for property tax and rent on principal residence
D’un côté, le paiement pour les devoirs peut vous faire gagner du temps précieux. Si vous êtes déjà débordé par payer pour faire mes devoirs d’autres responsabilités, déléguer vos devoirs à quelqu’un d’autre peut vous permettre de vous concentrer sur d’autres tâches importantes de votre vie. Cela peut également vous aider à réduire votre stress et à retrouver un équilibre entre votre vie personnelle et vos études.